The Divine Cow of the Zoroastrian Creation Myth, Geush Urvan who nurtured the Primordial Man from her udders, parallels the Germanic Adhumbla, Divine Cow who nurtured Primordial Man from her Teats. Of note: Cows are regarded as sacred in both Zoroatrianism and in Aryan-Indian Hindu religions (to this day), and are given special importance in Asatru, Odinism, and most flavors of German paganism.
The early Germanic Pagan sacrificial animal slaughter and feast is almost an exact parallel of the Pre Zoroastrian Animal Ritual Sacrifice (which is quite distinct from Semetic practice of Animal Sacrifice, and has nothing to do with the "cleansing of Sins" by blood).
Again, the Persians have understood this as obvious for centuries, but post WW2 history is so cucked and jewed to intentionally obfuscate our history.
Racially, the evidence is quite obvious, but the media would prefer Westerners continue to believe the lie that Iran is just another "arab" state, but they re not - they pride themselves on being the non-arab nation in the middle east. They fucking hate Arabs, and the fact of being forced to worship an Arab God by their corrupt, criminal government is considered insulting to the vast majority of truly ethnically Aryan/Iranian citizens.
Land of Aryans is really interesting that while Farsi, or Persian uses Arabic characters
مرگ بر خامنه ای
It is nevertheless an IndoEuropean Language (like German, Dutch, English, etc) and shares almost no commonalities with semetic languages like Arabic or Hebrew. This is because of the Arab conquest of Iran in the 7th Century, forcing the Persians to adopt their script, but may retain their language.