>>14662783>>14662790You confuse Christ with Churchianity.
Jesus Christ is not an institution full of pedophiles. Read the bible again, and stop focusing on the world stage and its psyops and distractions. An institution that calls itself "Christianity" is not really Christ's administration only because it calls itself like that. Satan has completely subverted the Christian world, and you Christians fell for it, you fell for superficial thingy things, for worldly things, stuff that the bible specifically says that it's NOT the true way. A pedophile institution that teaches the exact opposite of what the bible teaches, wtf has that to do with Christ and His word then? NOTHING, it's a subversion. Can you people not read the bible yourself? Why do you give globohomo HUMANS that LARP as "Christian priests" any kind of credit? They are not in the spirit of Christ anymore, they are bastardized, and therefore they are lost. But those who are in faith and in the Holy Spirit are not.
Jesus Christ has the full authority in heaven and on earth. Have you so little faith that you don't believe in His word? And that He will come and punish and destroy the false prophets and idolaters that use His name in mockery?
Stop confusing worldly HUMAN STUFF with the Lord Jesus Christ, He is NOT SUBJECT to any human LARP corp(se)oration.