>>9902547Nice try. See, you suggest that somehow G*d is evil because he has to punish his people, and Satan is the "lesser" evil since he has only 10 kills attributed to him.
However, "killing" does not benefit Satan one bit. His interested is in turning Gods followers, his children away from him. That is the key point for Satan. If he kills a million Christians, it nets him no victory or benefit, for a million Christians go to be with God. However, if he is able to turn a million Christians against God, *that* is a win for Satan. God loses his beloved children to eternal damnation and Satan gets to watch.
Last point I know that needs to be made is, God laid out the rules of perfection, "sinlessness" and Godliness. The price of sin is death, and no man besides Christ has ever lived a sin free life. God set the bar at "Pass or Fail", and we are not graded by a scale. -A is still a fail, because it's not 100%. God is infallible, and his rules and judgement must be too. In the old covenant, you had to make a sacrifice to be absolved of sin, and it had to be the *BEST* of what you had to offer, to make up for your sin.
However, God in his infinite mercy and love, fulfilled the old covenant by sacrificing the best *HE* had to offer, his own Son. Under the new covenant, it's only requirement is to believe in Christ, and that he died for our sins.
Don't let Godless heathens like OP trick you. Search for God diligently, and he will find you.