>>14043687Beginning of the times ancient Anuran tribes lived at the wetlands
And some froge girl called anura decided to move from the wetlands and create a frog empire
However rananians choosed their own way and wetlands began to dry up
both Rananians and anurans had to go
And they wet separate ways
Red Frogos and blue Frogos arrived at the better pondlands
And decided to settle as they finished building their cities
And develop their cultures clan leaders already started to dislike each other due to territorial disputes and so started great clan brawl which lasted 2 days clan leaders sighed a peace treaty and began to live side by side
For a long time red and blue Frogos lived together fighting fighting each other and then Anuran cousins arrived and assimilated frog clans
Anuran rule was turning point for Frogo clans as they learned how to Smith black metal weapons,literature,magic and engineering
However red and blue frogo where retarded and used their knowledge to purge Anurans from their lands and began to masscare any Frogo who was sympathetic to Anurans