>>3160049I got some stories from when I was a dactyloscopist here in my town.
>Be me>19>Worked as a dactyloscopist/papiloscopista while training to become police officer>Basically had to check if people had any criminal background before allowing their documents to be printed>Favelado looking guy comes in>brown, at his early 20s, blonde painted curly hair>Alright, can't discriminate. Go check his documents>He was trying to renew his CTPS (a document that allows you to work "officially", and also get social security)>tfw he was being searched for involvement in manslaughter, assault, drug trafficking and others>tfw he sees the horror in my face and probably realizes what had just happened>he sprints to the exit, manages to escape the guards and tries to cross the road>he gets hit by a fucking truck and dies>mfw i'm sitting in my chair watching all of this>mfw i get a bonus for "identifying a wanted criminal">mfw i used the bonus to buy Halo 4>mfw it suckedThat was the only time I actually had an encounter with anybody wanted as a dactyloscopist