That's part of the Kikes Power.
Telling you that all your rewards will be there when you die.
But that's how the Abrahamic religions get you.
They promise you all this shit, but your reward is death.
That is your reward if you servere ANY of the backward religions, while the people who tell you how to practice them get rewarded by using ANyTHIng you create or do.
And it indeed penetrates your mind with the "Wut if it IS TRUE" that brings doubt or fear to most NPC Sheep.
Notice the Bible keeps referring to Humans as flocks of sheep to be herded and its similarity to farming livestock in the text.
It's truly a Mindset brought on by Mass hysteria of others as its how human minds work with stressors seeking explanations of why when there is no answers.
Remember Leschenko talked about this on his Demoralization interview as a former member of the KGB.
Once it's complete (Religions indoc in this case) its over.
STRESS in social situations always brings the same outcome as they are key triggers in religious fervor.
Just like saying anything sounds like "Knee" raises eyebrows in the west, means the start of a greeting in China. (Nee how) Around American Nogs? & watch their eyes light up.
Part 1 of a few..