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I'm going to say this for your benefit because most of you are too young to know better, but once you get over the hill you will more likely than not regret doing things to your body.
There's way too many markers that our eyes clock on another human being that tell us if it's a male, or female. And then if it's actually attractive, or ugly.
Chances are even if you ever pass, which is very few people, of those people, only a fraction are ever 'attractive'. And you still live with the knowledge of the circumstances of your birth. And so will anyone you share it with if you ever get close to them.
Something I learned by having chronic pain as a kid, is that your body is always trying to survive, it's always trying to maintain itself. Generally. My brain could be diseased, sick, want to kill itself, and I could've taken my painkillers, but deep down my body rejects death, vomiting it up. Your body is always trying to maintain homeostasis. When I withdrew the opiates, my body was in pain, but eventually my natural endorphins tipped the scale back to regular production.
It's the same with your hormones. While technically, you are not on the level of a drug addict, functionally, the mechanisms are the same and withdrawing HRT will revert many of the changes. Hair grows back and so on. Except now you're left with stretchmarks, half formed breasts, fucked up body fat distribution. Sterility, in many cases.
The fact of the matter is you're chasing an unattainable goal, at least in this lifetime, engaging yourself on the road to eventual suicide and bodily destruction.
See pic related? Yeah, you'll literally never be that, you'll never evoke the emotions you or I feel when you see it, and you'll never be cute like that. I used to think like you guys when I was young but once I got older and got closer to 30 than I was 20, I realized a lot of things were wrong with me, and went on a journey to fix myself and my thoughts rather than just taking hormones or other shit.