>>4657539>You said all colleges are infected by communism, and that they're "a good indication of how brainwashed someone is" So either you find some value in communist brainwashing, or you implied that it's valueless.Communist-tier logic. Both hold true. I said it depends on the degree.
>"SJW's" as the problem here but that's, you know, an entirely separate ideological system than communism.It isn't separate. SJW and communist organizations intermingle and grow with funding by the same roots.
>LSAT matters exclusively for admission to law school,Yes. Entrance into law school is one of many examples. And?
>The better question is, why do you think my lawyer's LSAT scores would matter when anyone practicing law has to take a standardized bar exam? Success in a bar exam is a measure of who passed, not of their greater competence in the areas of society where one can not afford the highest price. If you don't comprehend the problem with pushing out higher LSAT applicants in favor of mediocre ones from the onset, and how this will go on to infect law school, you are part of the problem.
>HOW. A net benefit across a racial group only benefits those students who excel more.Affirmative action hurts those few "minorities" who are highly qualified irrespective of quotas by damaging their reputation, being associated with the lower rungs who only got in as a result of quotas.
>APPLES ARE FRUIT, ORANGES ARE FRUIT, THEREFORE APPLES ARE ORANGES. You're too stupid for this conversation. Whites achieve more merit due to higher IQ genetically. Consequently, the lower the white population goes in the United States, the more that US fields requiring merit will suffer. A nation is composed of its people. Every sector of society is damaged wherever affirmative action takes root.
You are a low-information leftist who's wandered into a conversation far above your intellect.