>>6605833Well, consider this. Let's say we are really in a simulation. Outside the simulation how else would "real people" think as efficiently as we do? Would their conciousness not also be linked to some other level of their reality if they can't make a simulation model of their own conciousness without it being as so? If the answer is yes, their conciousness and thought does originate from another source but their own observable world, then we have a paradox. or if no, their world is more complete and detailed, but that would only raise other wonders. It would imply that their reality is a direct origin of it's self and that is still a paradox.
Really this simulation idea is just a turtle underneath four elephants offset idea. We will still have to face the same thing, the fact that no matter how you get around to it, there is no base for realities existence, it is of it's self and existence has many plains that interlink with eachother. Our conciousness originates outside of space and time. Yes the world is not "real" but only as much as existence it's self. It's more like a dream, and the dreamer is the all and nothing, and you are a part of it.