>>21592512>>21592554Trismegistus means "Thrice-Greatest", referring to the fact that Thoth, the bird god with the serpent caduceus, as the Egyptians knew Hermes, had the title of "Lord of the eight gods", formed by 4 syzygis of Egyptian primordial gods with frog/serpent heads (Nun/Naunet, Heh/Heqet, Kek/Kauket and Amun-Ra/Amunet), animals that live near rivers such as Thoth's own bird, the Ibis, represented Time, Space, Darkness and Light. 2+2+2+2+1=9, that is, the 8/Ogdoad plus 1/Thoth, who administered the Duat (Egyptian Heaven linked to the Primordial Waters) together with his wife Maat. In Sumer, it was the water-god Enki, associated with the planet Mercury like Thoth/Hermes, who defeated and transformed its parts into his own kingdom the god Abzu (Primordial Waters), who fathered with his wife Tiamat (defeated by Enki's son, Marduk, who transformed it into Heaven, Earth and Underworld), three Syzygies (Lahmu/Lahamu, Anshar/Kishar and Anu/Antu), i.e. another Ogdoad.
According to the Phoenician historian Sanchuniathon and Egyptian Manetho, Hermes-Thoth (Mercury), son of Misor-Mestor, was the eighth king of the Aletae/Aeritae (Atlanteans) who founded a colony in Egypt, being the inventor of hieroglyphs (the divine Egyptian alphabet from which the Phoenician language and by extension Greek derives), under the orders of Geb-Elus-Cronos, the fourth king of Atlantis, whose secretary he was and advised him to overthrow his father Uranus-Epigeius-Autochthon-Anu and avenge his mother Ge/Gaia, helping him along with Cronus' virgin daughter, Athena, to build his iron sickle/spear and inspiring his allies, the Eloim, with magical words. When they won the war against Uranus, Hermes advised Cronos to conspire against his nephew Atlas while the descendants of Suduc-Elasippus (brother of Misor-Mestor), the Dioscuri/Cabeiri/Corybantes/Samothracians, sailed between the seas.