>>6115449The lanky man was staring right at him, his dark eyes almost vibrating in the cold continuum. Not a sound could be heard, not a thing could be felt and nothing could be seen except of the lanky man who drew the world in through his gaze. Suddenly everything was interrupted by the lanky mans mighty roar as he said: "What are you looking at you fucking cunt? Well, what will it be you knob?". He felt terrorized by the lanky mans mighty words but he just had to reply, for the lanky man had done him harm with his faul words, he collected his courage and asked: "Oi, who you calling a knob mate? You fucking knobhead!". The lanky man let out a sigh of discontentment, it could be felt in the ground as he replied "The fuck?! Who are you calling a knobhead? Taking a bit far are we, huh? You knob!". He stood his ground firmly, almost swept off his feet from the air exhaled from the mighty mouth of the gigantic lanky man "What? You called me a knob first you knob!". The lanky man, now visibly upset as a tear could be seen coming down his beautiful mane mustered up a quivering response: "I called you a knob sure, but you called me a knobhead, why would you do that mate? What gives you the right to call me a knobhead? You fucking tiny knob you cunt!". Philip stood behind them, holding Berta close as they both held their eyes closely at the mare alter, their place of worship. This alter was decorated with the mare of time, that mare that only once in a while graces the universe with her eternal gaze, she the one of pure blood and of intense raw sexual lust and power. They begged for lives to the holy mare, they were afraid and Berta was shaking firmly, yet confidently..