>>14099252I don’t BELIEVE we live on an infinite plane. I KNOW that we live on a flat and motionless plane (not sure if it’s infinite or not)
It is flat as far as we can see tho.
The fact of the matter is that we know exactly how big it “should” be according to NASA and MS science and yet what we see in reality doesn’t match the globular model provided by mainstream science at all.
https://youtu.be/YsSanuUNygIfor example, when I stand on the shore in San Clemente, California and look out across the ocean with my binoculars and see the docks on Catalina island 25 miles away across the ocean, I know that there should be 8inches x 25 miles x 25 miles = 5000 inches / 12 = 416 ft of curvature. If I am looking from a height of 6ft tall, I can definitively say that there should be atleast 300 ft of curvature blocking the docks from myview (that’s also taking into account the apparent “refraction” even tho light does not refract the way ((((they))) claim it does) But even giving them their refraction as a handicap, there is still 300 ft of missing curvature. I can see the docks. This would be impossible on a ball.
Literally just go outside and perform this experiment yourself and you will either become a flat earther or you will turn a blind eye to it and let your cognitive distance take the wheel.
Of course this isn’t the only reason I know that we do not live on a spinning ball, but it is the one that anyone can test to see for themselves.