i know a lot of you are struggling with being an intc stockholder, but really that's what you get for listening to anonymous neet on an imageboard for your financial advice. and just an aside, stop buying calls you incredible retards...
anyways back to business, it seems to me with the computex announcements that the bad news is now in the rearview, starting today with xeon 6, their new products will be competitive or superior, which should drive revenues and make for at least one good quarter sometime in the next year.
additionally, the apollo deal just closed and i think that might mark the end of this big selloff and also puts it into perspective: why would smart money buy intel shares when they can get debt-free carveouts of their best assets? they wouldn't, they would dump intel stock and buy direct interest in the new foundries, which is what they've done. with the xeon 6 launch, the company should be less cash constrained and with 3 of these carveouts in the rearview, its unlikely that they would demand more but that's always a possibility.
ultimately, the equity carveouts aren't great for us, but they demonstrate the deep partnership with intel and tptb and the quality of their assets. allocating 10+billion to a single asset requires great conviction, and in the last year we've seen 3, and every time they were being negotiated the stock price was very weak.
so anyways, just giving you guys an update, i haven't killed myself or sold, but i don't really care if you guys do, in fact its probably good for me if you guys go that route. you lost this money yourself and i am blameless, just a reminder.