>>115697691. Color cannot be symbolized. It is a deterministic direct input that is irreducible and does not itself communicate meaning. It is therefore a barrier to meaningful reflexive identity
2. It is impossible to construct a reflexive identity from color in any way that produces a viable system (see Stafford Beers “Viable Systems)
https://youtu.be/BaLHocBdG3A https://youtu.be/7COX-b3HK50 https://youtu.be/bDRudRhNgy4 3. Nothing about color qualifies as a property that represents the symbol we communicate as collective identity. (See Gregory Bateson)
4. The color you perceive is not a direct property of the object/person. (see illusion in next pic)
5. People cannot construct meaning from color. We can only project meaning onto it. (See Peter Geach)
6. Color identity propagates semantical disturbance that become capitalized upon by people who seek to selectively disrupt order by any sense making process which requires reflexive identity. (See Alfred Korzybski, “The map is not the territory”)