>>11180839>The whole “god” and the beyond seemed like absolute bullshit to medepends on what you mean by god
an uncreated creator? sure, probably, it would be absurd to say everything has always existed
is there one uncreated creator? idk
are there multiple uncreated creators? idk
are there created creator? (like the mormons believe)? idk
are there created non-creator? (like a powerless primordial being) idk
is that creator a force of divinity regardless of how many persons it is? ultimately yes
if there are multiple persons do they always agree with each other or can they struggle against one another? idk
can that creator permanently die? idk
can that creator create things outside of himself (/ we're not living in him, like the buddhists / hindus believe)? idk
humans do not posses absolute knowledge, we don't know for sure if there aren't invisible dragons, teacups on mars, or even bugs under our pillows, everything we do requires faith / trust in the one giving us the message. even if that is ultimately our senses (eyes, etc)
if god is real is he good? maybe we don't agree with him, maybe we don't care to be with him and should struggle as fruitless as it is. who created the wolves? the crocodiles? the sharks?
at the end of the day we just don't know
we should always have hope that things will work out, even on our death bed
but the practical should be concentrated on more so than the philosophical