>Three Day's Gracejune
>Pearl Jamnope
>Rise Againstnope
>Chevelleturbo nope
>The Strokesnope
>Stone Temple Pilotsultra nope
>Franz Ferdinandplays in 4 days
>Radioheadgiga nope
>Coldplaydo Loonas really...? this is the kind of music my mom listens to
>Mammoth WVHhuh, confirmed 2024
every damn concert seems to happen during june wtf
better luck next year I guess lol
>>18232637>You'll find fat zoomer 'witches' there, and weed addicts.no qt goth grills? this sucks, I'll write those off the list then
>https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=RVpFu31xxWo&list=RDATiYv0wTxqHbJOzg you keep finding the hardest hitting "feels songs"...