good nap i guess. mom saw me crying unfortunately, and that breaks my streak of no tears (3 weeks) but it had to happen i guess. sorry i kind of spiraled there and it wasn't very courageous of me. markets aren't shaking me though, futures opening a bit red is actually a good sign, and spx opened above 5750, probably just giving brave souls a fantastic deal right now. crypto was testing support again as i awoke but it looks like it held again, i was in suspense for a second. saying hello to my favorite poster, i was so close to just packing up and going back to /biz/ but some kindness before my nap and the thought you still haven't left have refreshed my hopes. this is still the right place to post for now, and i think tomorrow will be more fun than this weekend was, could hardly be worse.
intel goes to the whitehouse tomorrow morning, what do you guys think they are gonna talk about? markets feel like halloween right now so maybe it will be christmastime in dc.