The big brain question is not if jews are good or bad, the question is, are jews needed?
The answer to that, is no.
They ARE overall a hostile agent, so at worst case they are a poison that should just become a footnote of history.
The best case jew is a 'fully integrated one, indistinguishable from the host', but why risk a jew for that? When there's plenty of kinsmen around who aren't a 99.999% failure chance.
It's just, the jew has been around in the west for so long now, that OTHERS have integrated with IT.
Naming their children after jews, allowing jewish customs even though they were, throughout history, even in the antiquity, regarded as mutilation, etc.
So many humans have jew traits now, so one might think my argument is diminished,
But it is not.
For humans can only emulate the jew, they do not generate jewry, only the jew does.
Because the jew is also the most genetically ruined and inferior creature.
It is simply not possible for a human to ever see the world through such a fractured and ruined lens as the jew, simply by superior genetics alone.
Even if the human tried their best to be as jewish as possible, to see things through eyes that are as closest through jewish eyes and jewish intepretations as possible.
They don't lack the genetic ruination, that is inherently knit into the very corporeal flesh of the jew, to truly, ever TRULY see the world as darkly and twisted as they do. theerefore, if jews were gone, the entire world would eventually recover.
The human merely is able to approximate the jew (which the jew loves because the lack of contrast makes it easier for the jew to exist without mental anguish through comparison, the jew is a boaster, after all, that's why my German creation pasta is so powerful)
But only the jew can create jewry.
Say no to jews. Say no to jewish thinking.