>>13121938Huh, I was under the impression that you were ostracised for taking so many drugs. There was one last summer which made you especially talkative, wasn't there? Which one was it?
You'll make it this time!
>such coimtries are poorer in intellect and tools to do stuff like that, foreskin reatachment is for a reason only present in western countries like US of AAre they? Lots of trans people go to Thailand to have their surgeries performed, and they are very complex ones from what I know. Also I hear that hymen reattachment surgeries are popular in places like Indonesia and Malaysia.
Doesn't circumcison make the tip hurt a lot? Mine becomes very sensitive when I pull the foreskin down...
>in my town grade school that was just piss emporium for the village bois and girls I stood out to much so I was very much a nerd thereSo you didn't act perverted back then? Well, but that didn't mean that you were strictly into vanilla, did it? Although I guess loli would be much easier to explain at such a young age... People from my high school thought I was asexual...
>rate this decameron tarot I want for party tricksNow that's at least a 9/10 in my book, and that is only because I don't actually think there is such a thing as a 10/10 of anything. It's a little strange that the hermit would have a lover though.
What are your thots on this?