you have to understand what it means to be a Jew today vs what it meant in the past. I will explain to you where modern Judaism came from. A while after Jesus died, the Jews rose up against the ruling Romans, the Romans rekt the Jews and destroyed their temple, and the Jews were exiled to Babylon. In Babylon, the Pharisees (rabbis) wrote down the "oral law" which is known as the Talmud. When Jesus walked on earth, he specifically spoke against the Pharisees and their made up shit which opposed God's original commandments. So, the Talmud is opposed to God. Therefore, Judaism as we know it today is wrong and is not the original faith of Abraham. Actually, Christianity is the fulfillment of the original Judaism. The first Christians were Jews, and so the original faith spread through them to the gentiles, and we continue the true faith today. the Bible says that those who say they are Jews but are not really Jews are the Synagogue of Satan (this is saying that modern Judaism is Satanic, it is not the original faith). Christians are God's chosen people. We are Israel now.
Israelites. This gets clear already when you see that Mount Aratat, where Noah landed with his arc is the same place where the white people, caucasusoids, come frome from, the Caucasus is also known that the blue eyed people all have a common anchestor most likely was Adam or Noah if the timeframe is off