as of late I've been more considerate towards butts
though I was never a butt guy the buttocks are the easiest show of fat vs fit, the striations are nowhere to be seen on fit butts- the tits can always get floppy but ass can be molded if trained up until surprisingly late
>mostnot at all, as those do provode insight, I hold my ground when I say I won't be able to have sex before 30 at which stage I'll completely give up, you being a purityfag can be read like an open book on the issue, unless you ask others I'm afraid I won't be able to answer the question directly in any foreseeing future
>balkanswe are such non players that if a buttefly effect deleted our existance nothing would be missing except those fillable fountain pens and it would halt alternating current for like 2 or 3 decades
>>10853183that's not pee that's love nectar, not to be confused with squirt as squirt is almost 100 vol% pee with some love nectar blended in