Quoted By:
>Be a Christian teen (or devoted to any other religion)
>Save yourself from massive amounts of degeneracy by making good choices
>Don't sleep with a bunch of random people, believing virginity and sex are important
>Spend your entire adolescence trying to be a good person and working hard towards your future
>Turn 21 years old and realize that you're now secretly a laughing stock as all of your friends have been having sex and relationships for years and you're considered clueless and unfuckable
>Realize that your chance to be with many young, pure women has gone and you're either:
>stuck giving yourself to used and damaged women
>keep clinging to your values in hopes that the one-in-a-million chance will come along while being (and probably ending up) forever alone
>or you chase status and looks and try to pursue very young girls before they're too tainted like a creep, abandoning most of your values in the process
How does a modern man tolerate this world that destroys anyone trying to make good choices? You either join the rest of your degenerate, immoral herd or you become an outlier that is quickly isolated and rejected.
Please help me out /pol/; this is a special kind of hell.