Blanchard coining a term + true trans makes shit hard for a potential egg
Anonymous ID:g3B1RiHQ No.15241772 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Why does AGP absolutely have to mean Blanchardian shit? Its really annoying. I know maybe not all tranners have this kink which, okay fine, but by the basic definition of autogynephilia, I've experienced AGP; I get aroused by the thought of myself as a female. I have less sexual trans thoughts, but its always there. My kink, or whatever you wanna call it, isnt transphobic even IF it convinces me to transition. So can we please stop acting like only "fake trans" have this snd this somehow threatens "true trans"? Can we please stop actinf like AGP instwntly means Blanchard?
What the fuck else am I supposed to call it? I dont know how to talk about my fucking experience because you have this culturally embedded kink-shaming just cuz some quack doctor said it first. The terfs fucking love it too. Can we please just accept this happens instead of turning into something people can use against trans?