>>21164979>But I'm not fantasizing about her having sex.>It's sad as fuck I know, but I was actually listening for sounds of sex in the background when she was away for a while.>And if you think an entire house of 10 drunken young lads, testosterone going through the roof, are gonna be too fussy to have sex with Josie? You're mad.>In that house she'll have been fighting them off with a stick once the cameras were off. Or, more likely, she'll have been flattered by the attention, and done the most natural thing in the world.>I kind of assumed Josie had sex repeatedly with at least one of the lads after the first night. She's a sexy, single woman, the only woman, in a house with about 10 young men. Everybody's drinking.No, you're definitely not fantasizing about her having sex. You're definitely not projecting your cuckold fetish. You're definitely only a little obsessed.