>>13315275Yes it will. Everything inflicted on the populace during this 10-year cycle is designed to break down existing communities. Since we're operating under de facto anarcho-tyranny, these will have to be intentional communities who pull themselves together and maintain cohesion with little to no help from a state apparartus that both inconsistently polices and restricts their activities and demands regular pounds of flesh for sporadic, often incompetent services.
The government's fingerprints are all over crypto. No entity is on the hook for more ongoing pension payments for obsolete, incompetent current and former employees. They control the supply and they control the means to effectively generate more. What better way to create an intentional pseudocommunity than to dangle a carrot in front of an increasingly atomised, misanthropic population, present it as something any isolated messageboard dweller will have first dibs on, and then spread that message through every such forum in the world? Now you have a class of blessed pariahs who never have to interact with the shrieking, flailing mass of society being broken down and reformed or discarded, who will sustain services and police opposition to crypto on the government's behalf, at arm's length. Their goal is productive prey and dehumanised carnivores. As long as that dynamic sustains itself, they can pull the strings perhaps forever.