Quoted By:
>After the Trojan war many Trojans fled all throughout Europe
>Herodotus reported that Etruscans came from Lydia (modern west Turkey), where Troy is said to have been located:
"This is their story: [...] their king divided the people into two groups, and made them draw lots, so that the one group should remain and the other leave the country; he himself was to be the head of those who drew the lot to remain there, and his son, whose name was Tyrrhenus, of those who departed. [...] they came to the Ombrici, where they founded cities and have lived ever since. They no longer called themselves Lydians, but Tyrrhenians, after the name of the king's son who had led them there."
>That said, Etruscans were Trojans
>Rome had 3 Etruscans Kings:
Etruscan kings of Rome
Lucius Tarquinius Priscus (616–579)
Servius Tullius (578–535)
Lucius Tarquinius Superbus (535–510/509) BC
>London is said to have been founded by Trojans aswell:
"Brutus then founds a city on the banks of the River Thames, which he calls Troia Nova, or New Troy."