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Hey, /bant/. Would anyone be up for some IRL shitposting later on this year?
I have a plan, tell me if you'd be interested, and tell me any criticisms.
The plan goes like this:
1) everyone participating creates posters announcing Cirno Day somehow tailored to their location
2) we then print a metric ton of these posters out
3) on the 8th of September (the day before Cirnoday) we spam these posters wherever they would be most seen in our local areas.
ideas of where to spam posters:
>popular commercial/industrial sites
>shopping destricts/centres, malls and markets
>near tourist attractions and landmarks
>buletin boards
>basically just think of where you see lost pet posters and political leaflets.
What to include in a poster:
>'Happy Cirno Day'
>A picture of cirno
>The date '9th September 2021'
>some mension of your home city to attract attention
inb4 someone asks these questions:
>Why the fuck would anyone participate
for the lulz
>How can I create posters?
either use Gimp (free) or pirate photoshop (also free)