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life stories thread? i start?
>be me 1-2 years ago
>dad is having cleaning ferny for some shit reason
>listening to some music and looking at images
>dad walks in on me looking at image
>it's that "my mom explaining" meme image
>dad thinks i'm looking at porn
>explain that i'm just looking at an image
>"images your shouldn't be looking at! get that out!"
>click off of image, but forgot that i was listening to "i'm so fresh you can suck my nuts"
>dad tells me to get that off of my screen as well so i just unplug the entire computer
>after a bit of cleaning, decide to plug computer in again
>it doesn't work
>give computer to my grandpa since he's good with computers, but even he can't fix it.
>grandparents get a computer from an old guy
>this computer sucks ass