I've been avoiding saying this but couple people did say I look more massive
but then again I spend looking atleast 30 minutes in the mirror everyday I get high and I honestly can't tell the difference from the past Marko
I feel they are teasing me
>>10277511microdosing on roids
I looked but have no idea how to make heavier dumbells, these are good for squats though
>I'm as tall as hitler lmaoit was a female doctor, mandatory penis inspection day
balls are important, hell one of them had trouble dropping after I was born and the hole frommwhich it descendet never closed up
>my jaw is weak and unpronoucedI have an oval face and nose of a mouse
nah, it's just a normal nose
but it is the nose that fits a beard, and the beard hides weak jaws
I was thinking for some
I was thinking something like me on the right, not too thick and propperly trimmed
I had tonee protect them just like I had it done with many other link with DHL and untrustworthy fem frienf