So, is Josh really a kid diddler?
Anonymous (ID: 311zPLf3) 4:12:15 PM 13-February-22 Sun No.14485494
>>14485498 >>14485503 >>144855051336957390378.png (168 KB, 400x400) google yandex iqdb wait
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>>14485486so like diet /b/
i guess i'm not sure what i expected
Anonymous (ID: MN36KUz+) 4:12:35 PM 13-February-22 Sun No.14485495
>>14485512b.png (737 KB, 1024x768) google yandex iqdb wait
737 KB
Anonymous (ID: eaK4yY/T) 4:12:53 PM 13-February-22 Sun No.14485496
>>14485491It's always been sussy that he's only watched shota once
Anonymous (ID: 0LIc8AH3) 4:13:18 PM 13-February-22 Sun No.14485498
>>14485522>>14485494Shut the fuck up anzupedo
Anonymous (ID: eaK4yY/T) 4:13:36 PM 13-February-22 Sun No.14485501
>>14485504 >>14485520 >>14485527 >>14485530 >>14485550Also, I found out Flamenco likes femboy porn recently, I found his porn alt
Anonymous (ID: A1jfS8pM) 4:14:08 PM 13-February-22 Sun No.14485503
>>14485494desu /b/ is unusable because it's nothing but porn. porn should be banned to /trash/ and the relevant porn boards that already exist, then /b/ would be interesting again. it was somewhat forgivable ten years ago because all the children were just discovering the chanz, but now it's tiring and repetitive.
Anonymous (ID: 0LIc8AH3) 4:14:16 PM 13-February-22 Sun No.14485504
Anonymous (ID: PobHY0OR) 4:14:24 PM 13-February-22 Sun No.14485505
>>14485522deletepol.png (27 KB, 968x856) google yandex iqdb wait
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>>14485494If you wanted another flavor of /b/ you could've hung out on /qa/ just after the weebmafia invaded. That ship has sailed though.
Anonymous (ID: XR5W+1FP) 4:14:52 PM 13-February-22 Sun No.14485509
>>14485515 >>14485522>>14485479>go to random board>surprised that the topics are randomThere's no fucking way you browsed the site earlier than 2014. I know bongs are retarded, but this is just egregious.