>>10520939>goofy cartoon character The Golden One has a wife who just posts about cooking and flowers and dumb stuff>managed to reproduce>has a brother who shares his political views>also reproduced>generally happy, simple life, with only disappointment being home country's government is retarded>300IQ fat anarchocommie who speaks at four words a second in epic internet "debates" is stuck in a hellscape relationship with an obese transwoman>rationalize bestiality and prey on young, emotionally fractured boys who think they're girls by pretending you have their best interests at heart even though they keep telling you to stop sending dick pics to them on discord>attempts moral grandstanding by projecting his own pedo acceptance onto the racists, but now it's bad, because the racists do it too>life is a high stress cope-fest at the fact you're not the next revolutionary mind, just a gay and fat nerd>all the talking points and political savvy you could need for three lifetimes>can't reproduceI'm starting to think wignats have it right.
Vaush used to be in shape and not perpetually greasy back in his younger days.
I think he might be coping with the regret that he had prime pussy once in highschool when he was still relatively normal, and now he will never, ever, ever get those days back.
>>10520995Like this ricecel larp shit too.
Once again, brainlet wignat wins over the 300IQ incel psyops from asianmasculinity.