>>18530089I've had IBS. I think it can give you anxiety. I think people who think it's just caused by stress might have it backwards. Feeling pain in the center of your body and worrying about shitting your pants just gives you low level anxiety that makes it hard for you to cope with normal stress. Also I think it puts you in a more primitive frame of mind. Being dragged into thinking about your stomach and shit tube constantly makes it hard to concentrate and focus your attention to higher causes.
I make sauerkraut and eat that on the regular. It fixes most of my digestive problems. I drink tulsi tea and chew little chunks of ginger if my guts feel inflamed. I've made ginger beer that's more like a kombucha fermented soda and that worked too. Basically my gut-health improved when I stopped eating out and started cooking and eating fermented homemade stuff. I eat crap and binge drink occasionally and I get a stomach pains the next day. Alcohol and coffee both fuck up your guts when you drink them to excess, and a lot of people use those to cope with stress or lack of sleep from stress.