>>11058393Limburg area.
I know no Christians, except me. All my friends I have ever known, none are Christians, my parents aren't christains, my neighbours aren't Christians. I am alone in a town where, yes maybe some old people are Christians, but they just go to church to follow the old man priest that reads some stories about how the three kings found Jesus in a shed and stuff. too basic, also in basic dutch many of the scripture deeper meaning seems to be lost. Its just the literal stories, nothing else is discussed. they just tell the stories and thats it. then they give a hostie and its over. Church is fucking stupid here. if church was anything like
>>11058388this right here I bet me and many other young people would be going every week with joy.
instead we have old men doing rituals, the smae old ritual, every year over and over again its the same shit. then a dude comes to take some of your money. what the fuck.
I wat to be part of a church where, I can take pic related with me to church and discuss it with my priest. this is not possible where I am. not at all.