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Has r/banter ever been at a party but you didn't really like it so you drank a lot to feel confident and it has the opposite effect and you can't walk straight anymore so you walk gayly to the bathroom but it's closed and you fall on your face and get a bloody nose you you just kinda drink the blood but it makes you dizzy and confused and your belly starts sounding like hurricane harvey and the mix of alcohol and blood makes you vomit some weird stuff like that buttplug you accidentally swallowed once and you decide it will be a good idea to plug up your buthole with it but the stomach acids burn your intestines but it seems to have worked but you get really hungry and the diarrhea in the bathrooms look very appetizing because the blood mixed with it makes it look, smell and taste like the hot sauce your grandmother used to make and she never told you the recipe and you realize you have been eating your grandmothers shit for a few years and loving it so you pass out and wake up in a bathtub filled with ice and someone is stealing your kidney and the gasses in your tummy cant escape so you scare him and the knife slips in your intestines and this releases all the gasses and shit that had been stuck there and fermented into pure alcohol and shit and it gets in his eyes and he is blind immediately so you get up but your intestines fall out so you ductape them back inside and have a cigarette but the alcohol on the man catches fire and it smells pretty good and you eat him while he is on fire and screaming in pure agony but you dont care and dont feel the flames because you're too drunk and you end up looking like a two-face rip off and you pass out because of blood loss and you wake up in the hospital?