>>11034865but what dictates good/selfish? by what standard are those judged?
you seem like a bright guy, I'd just suggest as long as you"re not getting caught just do what you want
people won't appreciate your time and effort no matter how hard you try and how much of yourself you sacrifice for them
hey, as long as everybody else is sepfish why wouodn't you be, maybe you even get the peace you wanted in the end that way, who knows
>pure loveokkei, but you do understand that some people really only seek intercourse and jump to better partners, and frankly theirs isn't any less valid or anything than your standard
>very very easyonly if you have desireable traits, I lack in every department (no car, no job, no money, zits, poor physique no matter how much I train, scars, cheap clothing, lack of empathy and no will to act like normal people) which makes evdn the "genuine" relationships that go past the boundraries of shallow stuff like wealth and appearance are out question
>what meanI really hate regurgitating the same old crap "there are people carring about you... you're being selfish... this too shall pass... good times are just around the corner" because everybody else does it, hell last time I said anything a normal people might say was when me mum started crying since I was pretty clear with everybody I'm killing myself before my 18th bday aaaaaand yeah the bitch is cray I just wanted her to shut up so I can eat my last meals in peace, in the end I didn't do it since my psychologist would lose her job... now that I think of it she was blackmailing me to not kym so I definitively should've since imho she desserved to lose that job