>>2959200Now listen, my young friends, to the ancient words of that excellent and most distinguished man, Archytas of Tarentum, repeated to me when I was serving as a young soldier in that very city with Quintus Maximus: He said the most fatal curse given to men by nature is sexual desire. From it spring passions of uncontrollable and reckless lust seeking gratification. From it come secret plotting with enemies, betrayals of one’s country, and the overthrow of governments. Indeed, there is no evil act, no unscrupulous deed that a man driven by lust will not perform. Uncontrolled sensuality will drive men to rape, adultery, and every other sexual outrage. And since nature – or perhaps some god – has given men no finer gift than human intelligence, this divine endowment has no greater foe than naked sensuality. Where lust rules, there is no place for self-control. And in the kingdom of self-indulgence, there is no room for decent behaviour.
“Imagine,” Archytas continued, to make his meaning clearer, “a person enjoying the most exquisite sensual pleasure possible. No one would doubt that a man in that state is incapable of using his mind in any rational or reasonable way. Therefore, nothing is more detestable or pernicious than sensual pleasure. If a person indulges in it too much and too long, it plunges the soul into utter darkness.”
Something that really upsets me about modern society, the term "they didn't know any better back then," who do these naive cunts think they are, it's as if the average pleb, leftist, soy-boy cunt of today thinks he's more noble, virtuous and even more intelligent than the likes of Cicero, Aristotle, Homer, Plato, Socrates (insert every other great man in history).
When will we purge the filth from society, when will right no longer be wrong, when will up no longer be down? Can we not fall into the shadows anymore, where is the man to guide us towards the light, to open the minds of the people?