>>18646952It's why for tens of thousands of years they didn't have any rights. They weren't able to vote, weren't able to do anything other than stay at home and raise the family. We see the kind of absolute Weimar-tier degeneracy that has been enabled by giving these scum roasties any power at all. They should be treated like they are in Afghanistan. The very concept of giving women power is Judaic, liberal and self-sacrificial. It is the suicide of a society. They are not capable of anything more than being servile and having no responsibility. They are mentally inferior to even male children. They are fucking retarded. Society will rot, become infested with gangrene and decay into nothingness due to the fact they were given rights. I wouldn't be surprised if it ends with large scale viral pandemics of death and nuclear hellfire. THIS is why they should fucking have no rights! Give them an inch, they'll take forever the distance. They will rot your society with faggotry and every type of degeneracy these dog fart skank xx scumbag whores can produce!