1 まじ卍
this is why one googles le words other gaijin use before using them...
>>16867167baka needs his meals without any interruptions...
>>16867175ritsu you even did it in this thread again... even heckin twice including this post of yours
>探窟家 means explorer and you won't find it in jisho or a japanese dictionary that I used>アビスに潜る冒険家達の総称。ritsu thinks a word some mangaka made up is le secret japanese language... just tell everynyan this is just some advanced joking scheme of yours or something
>I have also learned to write japanesei guess why not if one enjoys caligraphy or making edgy notes in public...
>maybe it was a really badly written kokoroits very often written like that
>but to another guy as well and another guy who I know who have learned japanese all agreed with memy black friend who lives in japan says those people live inside your imagination
>Only you think it's differentyes, only me, the artist and most japanese people