>>13038328As for modern pagan beliefs it goes as follows:
-- Multiple paths to the divine exist as symbolized by many goddesses and gods. These are
often seen as archetypes or gateways to the unconscious.
-- Respect and love Mother Earth essentially as a living being....
-- The physical world, as an emanation of the divine, is good and to be enjoyed by all living
beings in love and harmony.
-- Ethics and morality are based on avoidance of harm to other beings, including Earth as a
whole, which mandates environmental activism as a spiritual responsibility.
-- Human interdependence implies the need for community cooperation.
-- A strong commitment to personal and planetary growth, evolution, and balance are vital.
-- One's lifestyle must be consistent with one's beliefs.
-- A minimum of dogma and a maximum of individual responsibility in all things are goals to
strive for. Thus a healthy skepticism is to be fostered, and ideas are not to be accepted without
personal investigation of their validity.
-- All beings are personal emanations of the Divine.