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Would you rather..
1. Painlessly attain a healthy organ that makes your body take great nutrition from alcohol, while still giving you feeling of intoxication and making drinking just as safe and healthy, as eating a salad.
2. Be able to jump like twice as high and have your knees and legs endure thrice as much fall without risk of an injury.
3. Being able to fly, but only when nobody sees - if somebody sees you, you fall down and possibly die.
4. You gain knowledge to what happens after death and invincibility plus immortality until you reconcile with it.
5. You don't have to eat, drink or sleep anymore. You can control your body, nerves, temperature, emotions - you are immune to diseases as long as you don't allow yourself for the infestation to spread and fester in your body. Injecting a tiny droplet of your blood into somebody else's system, gets them great vigor and acts as panaceum. Beware of secret agencies, maybe become a saint or something, I dunno.
6. You can freely access the Internet with your thoughts. Perfect control, you can browse it and soak information one hundred times faster and more efficient than when you do it manually. You can also access it in your dreams and possibly learn to alternate it via your thoughts.
7. You can literally print money. No questions asked, everybody is cool with that.
8. You are the luckiest man alive. Everything you do will be successful. People around you are the most happy bunch you can find. You have an aura of bliss. Everybody loves you and means you no harm.
9. You are better than Terminator. You can alternate your body density to pass through walls, you are immune to poison, your spit can act as bullets and hundreds more funky quirks~
10. You instantly die.