Let me give you a small Redpill on modern art: One of the reasons art went into shit was because legitimately talented people are very hard to come by, that and everyone has different tastes when it comes to art. Sure we have some very talented individuals even today but the market would rather sell hundreds of pieces that are easy to produce rather than a few well-crafted pieces that take a while to make. In the short term ugly art sells a lot more. The definition of “Art” was also destroyed in the process and people were told to embrace ugliness and mediocrity. Is no longer about quality but about quantity.
But more importantly: The people buying these works don’t do it because they find the works pretty but because they use this as an investment. Art is no longer about creating pieces that will be remembered by hundreds of years but just as an investment tool where people can sink millions of dollars into and there are so many artists they can pour their money to which makes it a very big market. You won’t see the purchased works being exposed on a museum or hanged on a wall inside a house, that is not frequent nor the point. In the end these artists get their 15 minutes of fame but that’s it. Have you ever wondered why we hear about an unknown artist selling a piece for millions but after a while we never heard of them again? We might only hear about them again when they die which in return would double or even triple the value of the purchased piece.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNI07egoefcThings are only as valuable as you make them out to be. Most art is worthless but we can assign it whatever value we want to and you’ll have someone buying it as an asset.