>>4836752>>4836705The Supreme Court, with fucking GORSUCH agreeing, just this week decided that the term "VIOLENT CRIME" is too "vague" to justify deportations.
Your "liberal democratic" government is pretending now like it doesn't know what "VIOLENT CRIME" means, all so it can keep more immigrants here to eventually outbreed you in your own fucking country.
How in the fuck does that NOT justify violence to remove these shitheads?
How in the FUCK are they even supposed to condemn you for it when they themselves pretend to not even know what the term "VIOLENCE" means?
They have an agenda, and they will pull ANY bullshit out of their ass to enable the implementation of that agenda. And that agenda involves doing EVERYTHING they can possible do to wipe you from existence and from history, straight white boys, without actually confronting you directly with violence themselves, because they know they have you so morally brainwashed that directly attacking you is the ONLY thing they could ever do to get you to actually defend yourself.
If you're unwilling to commit to violence to destroy these people before they destroy you, then you frankly deserve to perish from the Earth. Everything has been laid out before you, but deep down, after so many Disney movies, you can't bring yourself to raise up arms and kill these fuckers and institute your own government FOR YOURSELF AND NO ONE ELSE.