I'm 30 and I just got a prescription for Adderall for the first time in my life.
I've turned my life around 180 degrees. I'm expecting a job offer any day now, I've fixed every little issue in my house, and i can visualize my thoughts and make plans again.
I have a normal looking girlfriend(she is 26) now, and we have sex like 3 times a week! I'm also no-fap since I have been on it. Adderall blocks coomer and incel tendencies.
God bless those fine folks at Pfizer. I feel sorry for you European Bros that don't have access to this literal miracle drug.
This guy went from retard high school drop out to Harvard grad! All because he got an Adderall prescription.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R-9rKVi6nS4Stop what your doing, and call a doctor right fucking now! Change your life today!