>>5645817Everything about veganism is cancer. Starting from the moral superiority that a vegan feels because they read some other vegans blog, and thus, are more informed than the meat eating tards who can’t into da wei. Then advocating an individual eat a shit ton of calorie/protein deficient cellulose water because animals feel pain. Yeah animals feel pain, WE are animals who feel pain and a face of that pain is called hunger. I’m not going to go out and harvest 500 different ingredients from around the entire fucking world to then have to cook them in a precise way so I can make “vegan street tacos” or “vegan pizza” or “vegan fajitas.” I don’t have time for that shit and no normal person does either.
By the way, I realize that you may be wondering what a “shit ton” is exactly in terms of measure. And for that I have to say thank God we are talking about veganism right now, just because it’s the perfect example. You see, a shit ton is equivalent to approximately three ass loads. This is because if you’re on a straight vegan diet, you will have to consume so much material from the kingdom plantae, that the plants will execute their holy revenge upon you by making you spend roughly 120% more time in the shitter due to your over indulgence of the ruffage.
Now you may think I’m just being gaseous about this whole thing. Well your wrong...mostly because you’re going to be gas...gas propelled that is. Yup, you might as well invest in a new pair of ultra lubricated rollerblades because the amount, rate, and velocity by which your kiester is expelling the byproducts of your choice of fuel out your preverbal muffler is going to be similar to a boing 747. There won’t be a need for a car or public transportation because you’re gonna be blessing the whole world and the sweet innocent animals with your gifts of crop dusting their personal private space every time they are in your vicinity.
Bon Appetite faggot.