>>11639171and that was all back when you couldn’t just download unity for free and shit out an “art” game in your knee socks in a weekend about your gender identity struggles then instantly upload it to online stores and social media and youtubers that let you reach millions of customers without having to try to find a publisher to get you into game stores or manually mail physical disks by hand to people snail mailing you money orders
I don’t know how the fuck it got this bad this fast but it’s going to hit a point where companies can’t survive unless they get back to the basics and hire based on skillset and work ethic, and go back to designing games worth playing 20 years from now like the classics instead of desperately trying to break even by making pandering mediocre lootbox microtransaction garbage desperately hoping to make just enough money to break even on paying for all the diversity seminar grifters to approve of their game and all the free playground shit at the office that every “a day in the life of a programmer” video spends 90% of the day fucking around with instead of actually sitting at their desk working (the 10% of those videos that show them at their desk are just them going on reddit to complain about how oppressive the company that bends over backwards for them is as if they’ve got a fucking clue how hard it is to run a company full of employees who spend half their day on social media)