memeticism frennercial: on the promise of Christ
>>397325293christcemic (divine redemption from memetic perspective)
>>397325371God's nature
>>397325406Christ and fren lawyer
>>397325475john 219 cigar
>>397325546luciferian vs christian identity
>>397325684an elect generation
>>397325833FMA (frens>magic)
>>397325887Christ is beyond symbollic
>>397325928abomination of desolation
>>397325975lossless compression of God
>>397326110lossless compression of God explained
>>397326146special fren
>>397326191send this one out to my frens
>>397326242Means of Trust
>>397326313good news/bad news
>>397326356the never ending story
>>397326425divine names and titles explained
meta map of redemption
>>397327239it is God who justifies vs karma
>>397327386armor of God
>>397327426whore of babylon/sam hyde
>>397327467do as thou wilt, fren
>>397327536don't believe his lies fren
>>397329229put on the armor of God
>>397329351supernatural religion
>>397329433eternal life paradox
>>397329503faith vs works
>>397329540transcendent fren
>>397329608the entire enterprise
>>397329641OC archive/fren videos
>>397330390eviction and submission of lucifer
>>397325097the soul can't lie fren