>>13006700Finding the ability to make peace with even one aspect of a dissatisfying life takes resolve! You've discovered the difficulties of circumstances can be picked apart at will, and you've also recognised it's largely wasted energy! We all direct our loathing inward, and I commend you for not lashing out at the tangentially involved, and letting your parents off the hook for their laxity! There's no shame in having no idea what you want right now, truly. I'm adjacent to a number of very wealthy dudes, and they're as perplexed about the state of the world as we are! Great upheaval is upon us. I've been so very grateful to OP for starting these threads, and they exist to offer encouragement, and that's what I'm doing now! Keep on struggling, and come back any time, and you'll always have someone in your corner, rooting for you! Just hang in there and keep your eyes on the horizon. Who knows what we'll see next!