>>14879761Huberman that Neuroscientist had a guest on his podcast, that guest specialized in human mating. Women are attracted to attention above all else, if someone is giving someone attention that guy must be special and she wants him. People often confuse having money, being attractive or being a k-pop star as what women want but in actuality they want men who have shit tons of attention first, this will give them attention by proxy and let them feel successful.
100% garenteed that women says people are just jealous when she is met with rightfully disgusted faces. Social media has fucked up women's brains so badly it's unreal. In a healthy society women gain attention by being good women, in our society today attention is tattoos and a instagram account away. If you want women to behave shame them and starve them of attention. The best thing you could ever do is stop posting pictures of women who look like her, because that is precisely what she wants, if you see her in the streets "look through her" and if you have to interact with her be visibly annoyed with her but faggots like you just have to give girls like her attention so more girls like her pop up every where.