>>13832036I already told you it's not about TES. I didn't like Skyrim very much.
>My reasoning is this: girls are pretty -> getting called a girl = getting called prettyAlthough girls do tend to be the fairer sex, they're not necessarily pretty. You have now more than once justified this thing through its benefits: you get compliments, or free seats on transport. You're getting them based on an inaccurate representation which you yourself are projecting. It sounds like a hollow accomplishment to me. I don't enjoy being accredited or rewarded for qualities I do not have, and I know the feeling well. Being praised for a good performance when your own errors run amok across your mind. For outcompeting someone through some stroke of luck when you know in your heart of hearts that they are your better. Isn't it so much more fulfilling to be recognized for what you've done? I don't believe these are some peculiar nuance particular to me.
I don't think your reasoning is right. I think you're justifying very odd behaviour, the roots of which it's not my place or interest to speculate on, in a very roundabout way. That's just my opinion, though.
>>13832048Why does everyone need to hate them after they're gone and forgotten? If there is some benefit in keeping memory of such hatred, I do not see it.