>>3330153The government has ceased inferfering with the free market which in every single case has always lead to the lowering of prices over time and an increase in efficiency of the market itself and the technology involved. This is a well documented phenomenon throughout history, that when government interferes with a market, it lends itself to the creation of favoritism and cronyism and eventually huge monopolys
The problem with our market isn't that we need net neutrality (which is essentially giving our FCC the power to play favorites and be subjected to lobbying by huge mega-corps such as google or apple). The problem is that these huge mega-corps exist in the first place and are approaching monopoly status. This is the result of policies created by communists... they can't win elections based on the merits of their own ideology, they have to destroy those which oppose them until they are the only ones left.
Net Neutrality being gone will benefit anyone who wants the freedom to pay a higher premium for a better, higher connection or better access to content. There is nothing wrong with this. It's no different than allowing you to buy BMW if you want better quality than forcing everyone to drive toyota corollas.
Commies and leftists and paid shariablue shills would have you think it's the end of the world though.